Water Extraction Reel - Pipeline Technology Ltd

Water Extraction Reel

Please note the Water Extraction Reel is not currently being produced.

A not uncommon problem on our networks is water ingress. This is often caused by water entering the gas mains due to third party damage or through small pockets of corrosion on metallic mains. This can lead to a loss of system pressure and a loss of supply to customers, both of which can have cost and safety implications. The scope of this project is to bring to the industry a new and improved piece of equipment to be used in conjunction with current mains camera equipment to detect and remove the water inside the low-pressure network.

Pipetech was commissioned by SGN to complete this project, which was funded by the National Innovation Allowance.

  • The equipment provides huge cost savings by avoiding the need for multiple excavations and reducing operative time on site.
  • Allows water ingress incidents to be dealt with only one excavation .
  • Faster and more accurate location and extraction of water.
  • Reduced operation times.
  • Improved outcomes for customers.
  • Adjustable drum brake mechanism.
  • Stock Code: 8002-810

    In order to reduce gas leakage, gas management teams have reduced gas network pressures. This, however, has created another issue. In areas where there is a high-water table, there has been an increase in instances where water enters the gas network.

    As water is difficult to remove, gas companies require a device to not only find water, but also to extract it.

    Case Study
    In a single financial year, one utility company reported an approximate £1.2m of operational costs relating to resolving water ingress concerns associated within the low-pressure network. As a result of the interruptions to supplies, a further £232k was spent on compensation as a direct result of water ingress. These figures do not include the cost of first response to investigate reported incidents, or larger incidents which will have a ‘cost collect’ project code assigned to them.

    This equipment consists of a water extraction reel, which works in conjunction with a camera inspection system. The equipment allows the simultaneous insertion of both the camera and a water extraction hose, enabling the identification and removal of water by a vacuum pump from the live gas network in one operation.

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